Brown Frederic

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    Brown Frederic - Answer
    Brown Frederic  Научная фантастика  1954 год

    An wer by Fredric Brown Dwar Ev ceremoniou ly oldered the final connection with gold. The eye of a dozen televi ion camera watched him and the ubether bore throughout the univer e a dozen picture of what he wa doing. He traightened and nodded to Dwar Reyn, then moved to a po ition be ide the witch that would complete the contact when he threw it. The witch that would connect, all at once, all of the mon ter computing machine of all the populated planet in the univer e—ninety- ix billion …

      Brown Frederic - Experiment
      Brown Frederic  Научная фантастика  1954 год

      Experiment by Fredric Brown “The fir t time machine, gentlemen,” Profe or John on proudly informed hi two colleague . “True, it i a mall- cale experimental model. It will operate only on object weighing le than three pound , five ounce and for di tance into the pa t and future of twelve minute or le . But it work .” The mall- cale model looked like a mall cale—a po tage cale—except for two dial in the part under the platform. Profe or John on held up a mall metal cube. “Our experimental …

        Brown Frederic - Pattern
        Brown Frederic  Научная фантастика  1954 год

        Pattern by Fredric Brown Mi Macy niffed. “Why i everyone worrying o? They’re not doing anything to u , are they?” In the citie , el ewhere, there wa blind panic. But not in Mi Macy’ garden. he looked up calmly at the mon trou mile-high figure of the invader . A week ago, they’d landed, in a pace hip a hundred mile long that had ettled down gently in the Arizona de ert. Almo t a thou and of them had come out of that pace hip and were now walking around. But, a Mi Macy pointed out, …

          Brown Frederic - Reconciliation
          Brown Frederic  Научная фантастика  1954 год

          Reconciliation by Fredric Brown The night out ide wa till and tarry. The living room of the hou e wa ten e. The man and the woman in it tood a few feet apart, glaring hatred at each other. The man’ fi t were clenched a though he wi hed to u e them, and the woman’ finger were pread and curved like claw , but each held hi arm rigidly at hi ide . They were being civilized. Her voice wa low. “I hate you,” he aid. “I’ve come to hate everything about you.” “Of cour e you do,” he aid. …

            Brown Frederic - The End
            Brown Frederic  Научная фантастика  1961 год

            The End by Fredric Brown Profe or Jone had been working on time theory for many year . “And I have found the key equation,” he told hi daughter one day. “Time i a field. Thi machine I have made can manipulate, even rever e, that field.” Pu hing a button a he poke, he aid, “Thi hould make time run backward run time make hould thi ,” aid he, poke he a button a pu hing. “Field that, rever e even, manipulate can made have I machine thi . Field a i time.” Day one daughter hi told he, “Equation …